Thursday, December 29, 2005

New for 2006

My List of Things I will do in 2006
The older I get, I realize that when I write things down. I tend to be more focus. Now that the whole world can see my list I hope the added pressure will give me the extra kick in my Ass, when I get to slippin.

1) Network: I will join a group(s). I feel that I need to network more and expand my business and personal circles.

2) Appreciate: I will appreciate the blessing that I have in my life. Less looking at "what if" or "if only" and concentrate on what I have and be thankful.

3) Praise: Praise GOD! GOD put a mirror in Twin's face in 2005 and showed me that he has a plan.

4) Openness: To more things and not form an opinion before I frown all up and say that I not going to do it.

5) Smile: Something I did not do a lot in 2005.

6) Stop: Wasting money, time , and opportunities.

7) Reevaluate: Friends, finaces, my life.

Dinner last night
I had dinner last night with a bunch of people who I have known since High School. What makes this group so special is that they grow up together and accepted me when I moved to a new city at the age of 16. I lost touch with them for a while but fate (a death) brought us back together. I also had to say that what made the dinner so special along with the conversation is that when the bill came we spilt it 10 Ways. No fighting about who had what and taking 4 hours to pay the bill. Thanks you S-L group.

To My boy "Zeck" again who says that one White girl who I would sleep with was not enough. He asked me to post another one, who I would sleep with if given the chance.

Lisa Marie Presley

Yes I know she was married to Michael Jackson, but we know he did not hit it. So I would give her the experience of what a real brother feels likes.

Happy New Years!
Wishing you and yours a very happy and safe New Year!

Take Care
Happy New Year!!!
That was a good list. Honest. I don't do resolutions, but if you have the will power to carry them out, then more power to ya!
The "King" would be pissed at you Twin for defiling his seed. lol

Uh Thank you very much.
yeah....i will remind you of this list in dec,lol.. i am really feeling the being thankful for what you have and not the other stuff...
network for me too...could i am surely not going to be able to get rid of 1000 bizness card on my own
Lisa Marie got a fat ass. That's no joke. I'm as serious as I can get. It's off the hook, or rather it HAS a hook.

The "King" fucked with our music, I'd fuck with his gene pool.

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