Friday, September 23, 2005

Walking through life

Life & Choices
I had a moment today. After being turned down again for a job. I realized that all that matters in life is what is going on right now. All the time I wondered if I was cool in high school means nothing. Being in the right crowd, wearing the right clothes, nothing. Life is all about choices and from those choices we end up at where we are at this time. One of my friends use to say to me we are where we are at for a reason. It is amazing how I ended up here posting a blog, no money, no date, and beating my head against the wall trying to plan my next move. An old friend said to me once, "don't let emotions get in the way of life". His point was that when we let emotions dictate a decision we will choose the wrong road every time . I have to say this is why I'm in the position I'm in today, emotion. I let my emotions, make a choice instead of fighting until I died, which I almost did. Right now I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I need to know that everything is going to be alright. Twin has been a person who always took care of business. Asking for help is something I choose not to do on a regular basis. I'm not blaming anyone for what has happen to me. When times were good I took all the credit and now that times rough I also take all the credit. My new motto is that 'you were there every step of the way'. This enlightenment of knowledge was passed to me when I was in a fucked up relationship and tried to blame the world for why I made that decision. Again choices. I know that times will get better. This is just one of life hurdles and a chance to realize what is important and what is not. I guess I should thank Life again for teaching me a lesson but I can't right now. I have to see the tree in the forest. Life is telling me that you have all answers, use the tools that you have learned in the journey so far and you will see the light. But RIGHT NOW all I see is darkness.
Life and Choices.

I hear yah Bro. Don't you love the self pump up talks. They are so necessary - when I do mine I try to come up with the most outlandish 'methaphors' about life, lol lol

Keep yah head up!
That's some deep shit, man. I agree wholeheartedly. I really don't know what else to say except that I hope it all gets better. I don't know a person more deserving of good things to come his way.

Be easy,
Wow. Hang in there fellow twin. :-)

I'm a true believe that everything happens for a reason. I can assure you this time next year, you'll look back on this time and be thankful that you made it through.

Chins up, mate!
When you're down, the only way to go is UP!! The only thing to do is keep pushing forward... Breakthrough and blessings are right around the corner...

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