Monday, August 29, 2005

Talking Heads and More

Talking Heads
When did Talking Heads (aka. Newscasters) become our parents? I mean who gave them the right to tell us to stay home. The last time I looked I was over the age of 18 and my parents were not on TV everynight. I was looking at CNN reporting on Hurricane Katrina. Anderson Cooper was out in the weather reporting what was going on and then he see two residents of the town having fun. He tell the person at the home office that it is dangerous and that everyone should be at home or seeking shelter. So why is he not at home or seeking shelter? Just report the news and shut up and let our parents tell us to come home when the street lights come on.

MC Hush

One of my boys has a PR Firm and this is his new client Hush. He is tight and I think you will enjoy his flow. I need to give a shoot out to my boy and his wife for working me like a slave at these listening events. I get to meet a lot of cool people get some connections, along with some extra benefits.

The Rules of Paying
I have a rule when it comes to paying for a date. Not a cold hard rule, nothing is set in stone. First and foremost I can't believe that people go Dutch on a date. In the beginning a date is like a job inteview. You have your representative put on your best face. (in case you don't know, you are the representative.) No one has faults, everything is perfect and life is good. My rules of a date are simple.
1. Have a plan !!! I always have a plan A, B, and C.
Plan A is that if a date is going well we go to plan B and if it sucks we go to Plan C. Like SEE you later. I don't ask the female when I pick her up "what do you want to do?" I'm not that anal that things are plan to the minute. In return I expect the same when it come to a women setting the date.
2. Who ever makes the date PAYS. I don't believe that his is out of the ordinary.
I met a female some time ago and we talk and go out on couple of date. So one Sunday I'm chilling at home and she calls me on the phone asking me what I doing and was I hungry. After a brief conversation she said lets go out to eat. She comes pick me up and we spend the next half hour discussing where to go eat. Everyplace I liked she didn't. So after we pick a place we eat have a nice time and the bill comes. She looks at me and I look at her. This standoff last for umpteen minutes. I then tell her that you were the one who asked me out not the other way around so you should pay. I was fine on my couch, chillin! She said that I was the man and the man should always pay. I paid the bill but you can bet that is the last time we went out on a date or anywhere else.
The life of being single and dating.

I need to get a tattoo with the rules of paying on my forehead. Maybe then these broads will listen! Good work Big Twin.
Ouch. I think that was very rude of her, and I totally agree with your rules regarding paying. I once went on a date with a guy that had asked me out, and when we got to the cinema (his choice) he ASKED me if I wanted him to pay for my ticket! First, and last date.
Fuck taking these hoes out let them cook at home and invite you over this gives you the chance to find out how nasty or clean the bitch is and if she can cook then she maybe a keeper
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